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Longest Palindromic Subsequence


A string of lowercase english letters will be given. The task is to find the length of the longest palindromic subsequence of the string.


The solution steps are simple as following:

  • f(l,r) is a function which returns the length of the longest palindromic subsequence of the substring (s[l]...s[r]).
  • Initiate l as the first index(0) and r as the last index(s.size()-1) of s.
  • f(l,r) will return the following:
    • l=r, return 1.
    • l>r, return 0.
    • s[l]=s[r], return 2+f(l+1,r-1).
    • else, return max(f(l+1,r), f(l,r-1)).
  • f(l,r) will be saved in dp[l][r] to avoid calculation again.


using namespace std;

int dp[1010][1010];

int ctDP(int l, int r, string& s){
    if(l==r)return 1;
    if(l>r)return 0;
    if(dp[l][r]!=-1)return dp[l][r];
    if(s[l]==s[r]) dp[l][r] = 2 + ctDP(l+1,r-1,s);
    else dp[l][r] = max(ctDP(l+1,r,s),ctDP(l,r-1,s));
    return dp[l][r];

int main(){
    for(int i=0;i<1010;i++){
        for(int j=0;j<1010;j++)dp[i][j]=-1;
    string s = "bbbab";
    int l=0, r=s.size()-1;
    int ans = ctDP(l,r,s);
    return 0;

Happy coding!