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Diophantine Equation(Find any Solution)


ax + by = c is said to be Diophantine Equation of two variables, if the values of x,y are integers.

  • It's possible to solve Diophantine Equations with the help of Extended Euclidean Algorithm.
  • Time complexity: O(log(min(a,b))).
  • Auxiliary memory complexity: O(1).


The following theory will be helpful understanding Diophantine Equations.

  • If, d = gcd(a,b) is not a divisor of c, there is "No Solution".
  • (a=0, b=0 and c=0), any possible combination of integers can be a solution.
  • (a=0, b!=0) or (a!=0, b=0), there is "One Solution".
  • (a!=0 and b!=0), there are "Infinately Many Solution".
  • If (x0,y0) is a solution of ax + by = c, all the solutions are:
\[ \left ( x,y \right )=\left (x_{0} + \frac{b}{d}.k, y_{0} - \frac{a}{d}.k \right ) \]
  • In Extended Euclidean Algorithm, the equation, ax + by = d is solved where, d = gcd(a,b). The solution can easily be transformed to:
\[ a.x + b.y = d \\ \Rightarrow a\frac{x.c}{d} + b\frac{y.c}{d} = c \\ \Rightarrow a.X + b.Y = c \]
  • Where \(X=\frac{x.c}{d}\) and \(Y=\frac{y.c}{d}\).


using namespace std;

bool anySolution(ll a, ll b, ll c, ll &x0, ll &y0, ll &d)
    d = exGcd(abs(a), abs(b), x0, y0);
    if (c % d != 0)
        return false;
    x0 *= (c / d);
    y0 *= (c / d);
    if (a < 0)
        x0 = -x0;
    if (b < 0)
        y0 = -y0;
    return true;

Happy coding!