Maximum Sum of K Positive Numbers from N Stacks
There are n number of stacks of positive numbers are given. The task is to take k numbers from the stacks, so that the summation of the taken numbers is maximized.
- From a stack, only the top item can be taken. After removing the top item, the next item get to the top.
- Traverse the stacks from left or right.
- Take as much numbers as we want or allowed (posibly zero) from that stack and move forward, don't come back.
- Keep the maximum value at each state.
- Memorize to avoid recalculation.
using namespace std;
int dp[1010][2010]; //memorization
int n; // will keep the number of stacks
vector<vector<int>>stacks; // stacks
void init(){
for(int i=0;i<10101;i++){
for(int j=0;j<2010;j++)dp[i][j]=-1;
int ctDP(int idx, int k){
if(idx>=n||k<=0)return 0;
if(dp[idx][k]!=-1)return dp[idx][k];
int m=stacks[idx].size();
int sum=0;
for(int i=0;i<=min(m,k);i++){
return dp[idx][k];
int main(){
//load_input(); //load stacks
n = stacks.size();
int ans=ctDP(0,k);
return 0;
Happy coding!